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Deploying Run Time Files

The following sections describe the locations where you place custom run-time files.

Note: The slash character is platform-specific. On Windows platforms, use the backslash (\). On UNIX platforms, use the forward slash (/). The backslash character is used for the following directory examples.

Java Class Files

CA Identity Manager looks for compiled .class files in the following root location within your application server:


For example, if your custom object is com.mycompany, the following is a valid location for myBLTH.class on a WebLogic deployment:

JavaScript Files

If you implement a task-specific business logic task handler in JavaScript, and the JavaScript code is contained in a file, place the file in the following root location within your application server:


You can place the JavaScript file in a subdirectory of the root location, for example, custom\validationscripts\myJavaScripts.

Resource Bundles

We recommend that you deploy your custom resource bundles in the following location within the application server:


If you choose not to store your custom resource bundles in custom\resourceBundles, you must store them in the custom directory or in any directory beneath it.

Email Templates

Email templates are deployed in subdirectories of the following location:
