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Connection Details Screen

Use this screen to enter the configuration credentials for your user store. You can also enter the directory search parameters, and add failover connections. After you enter connection information, click Next to select the objects to manage.

Note: The fields that appear on this screen depend on the type of user store, and whether you are creating the connection using the directory configuration wizard or directly importing an XML file.

The following fields are available in this screen:


Specifies the name of the user directory to which you are connecting.


Specifies a description of the user directory.


Specifies the host name for the computer where the user store is located.


Specifies the port for the computer where the user store is located.

User DN

Specifies the user domain name for accessing the LDAP user store.

JDBC Data Source JNDI Name

Specifies the name of an existing JDBC data source that CA Identity Manager uses to connect to the database.


Specifies the username for accessing the Provisioning Server.

Note: For Provisioning Servers only.


Specifies the domain name for accessing the Provisioning Server.

Note: For Provisioning Servers only.


Specifies the password for accessing the LDAP user store/Provisioning Server.

Confirm Password

Confirms the password for accessing the LDAP user store/Provisioning Server.

Secure Connection

When selected, forces a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection to the LDAP user directory.

Search Root

Specifies the location in an LDAP directory that serves as the starting point for the directory—typically, an organization (o) or organizational unit (ou).

Note: For LDAP user stores only.

Search Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of results that CA Identity Manager can return when searching a user directory. When the number of results exceeds the limit, an error is displayed.

Setting maximum rows can override the settings in the LDAP directory that limit search results. When conflicting settings apply, the LDAP server uses the lowest setting.

Search Page Size

Specifies the number of objects that can be returned in a single search. If the number of objects exceeds the page size, CA Identity Manager performs multiple searches.

Note the following when specifying Search Page Size:

Search Timeout

Specifies the maximum number of seconds that CA Identity Manager searches a directory before terminating the search.

Failover Host

Specifies the host name of the system where a redundant user store or an alternate Provisioning Server exists, in case the primary system is unavailable. If multiple servers are listed, CA Identity Manager attempts to connect to the systems in the order in which they are listed.

Failover Port

Specifies the port of the system where a redundant user store or an alternate Provisioning Server exists, in case the primary system is unavailable. If multiple servers are listed, CA Identity Manager attempts to connect to the systems in the order in which they are listed.

Add Button

Click to add additional failover host name and port numbers.