Administration Guide › Workflow › WorkPoint Method › Jobs and Process Instances › Activity and Work Item Properties
Activity and Work Item Properties
You can view, and in some cases, modify job activity properties and process activity properties, including the following:
- Activity state information
- Activity approval information
- Approval task (called work item in WorkPoint Designer) information, for example:
- If no participant has the work item reserved (which removes the item from the work lists of other approvers), the state is Available, and no participant user ID is displayed.
- If a participant has reserved but not yet completed the work item, the state is Open, and the participant’s user ID and the reservation time are displayed.
- If the work item has been completed, the state is Complete. The user ID of the participant who approved or rejected the task under workflow control is displayed, along with the time of completion.
Specific work item properties include:
- The work item name and current state
- State history information, including the user IDs of the participants responsible for given states
- Authorized work item participants information
Note: For more information about job, activity, and work item properties, see the WorkPoint Designer documentation.