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Configure a Tab Sequence

When a task is configured as a tab sequence, CA Identity Manager displays one tab as a single page at a time. Users complete one tab and then click a custom button or link to move to the next tab.

The sequence of tabs, and the buttons and links that are displayed are determined programmatically by JavaScript that you write when you configure the sequence tab controller.

In the custom JavaScript, you can specify the appearance and order of tabs based on user input. For example, if a user selects an option on the first tab, CA Identity Manager displays one page. If a user selects a different option, a different page is displayed.

To configure the sequence tab controller

  1. In the User Console, select Roles and Tasks, Admin Tasks, Modify Admin Task.
  2. Search for and select the admin task to modify.

    CA Identity Manager displays the tabs to configure the task you selected.

  3. Select the Tabs tab.
  4. Select the Sequence Tab Controller from the list box.
  5. Click Submit.

CA Identity Manager saves the changes to the task.