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Connector Opbinding Support

Any connector allows you to define opbindings for all top-level operations implemented by its AttrbuteStyleProcessor. Defining opbindings allows you to customize connector behavior through JavaScript payloads, or if your connector supports a method-style processor, such as JDBC stored procedures.

However, to call opbindings in all circumstances, it is important that any calls your attribute-style processor makes to its own methods are invoked through the following:

For example, a call directly to doAdd(…) in your attribute-style processor, (such a call can occur in the implementation of the doModifyRn() method) bypasses any registered opbindings, whereas a call to proxiedSelf.doAdd() with the same arguments executes any registered opbindings.

In addition to writing code that defines all possible opbindings, be aware of relevant configuration such as allowMetadataModify settings.

Note: For more information, see Connector.xml Files