Often it easiest to become familiar with the Java CS SDK variants by simply using them unchanged, and debugging using an IDE. Perhaps this progresses to changing the existing metadata and logic to try out various changes. However, at some point in a connector's development it will be necessary to choose a proper name for the connector that identifies its function and ensures it is not confused with the SDK connectors released with the Java CS.
This example shows you how to release a connector based on SDKDYN as a new connector called myconnector. Do the following:
Note: If the override files are present, they provide overriding settings for the connector. The installer does not overwrite the override files, which means any custom settings placed in this directory and deployed always override the configuration.
<namespace name="connectorname Namespace"> <doc/> <metadata name="abbreviation"> <value> <strValue>DYN</strValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="version"> <value> <strValue>1.0</strValue> </value> </metadata> <metadata name="implementationBundle"> <value> <strValue>connectorname=</strValue> </value> </metadata>
Defines the name of your connector's namespace/endpoint-type in the metadata.
Example: namespace name="MyConnector Namespace"
Example: <strValue>MyConnector</strValue>
<beanclass="com.ca.jcs.ImplBundle"id="connectorname"> <propertyname="name"> <value>connectorname</value> </property> ... <propertyname="connectorTypeName"> <value>connectornameNamespace</value> </property> ... <propertyname="messageResourceBundle"><value>conf/com/ca/jcs/sdk/validator/validator</value> </property> <propertyname="staticMetadataFile"> <value>/conf/connectorname_metadata.xml</value> </property> <propertyname="indirectAssociations"> <value>false</value> </property> <propertyname="connNamingAttr"> <value>eTDYNDirectoryName</value> </property> <propertyname="connectorTypeClass"> <value>com.ca.jcs.meta.MetaConnectorType</value> </property> <propertyname="connectorClass"> <value>com.ca.jcs.sdk.connectornameMetaConnector</value> </property>
Example: bean class="com.ca.jcs.ImplBundle" id="MyConnector"\
Example: MyConnector Namespace
Example: MyConenctor Namespace
Example: /conf/MyConnector_metadata.xml
Example: com.ca.jcs.sdk.MyConnectorMetaConnector
Note: The build.xml file for each DYN based connector includes an XSLT transform (popldif.xslt) which uses your metadata to generate a build/_uninst/*pop.ldif file. The Java CS installer uses this file to register your connector when you run ant inst and copy the resulting .zip for your connector to ${DIR}, as shown in the preceding example.
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