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The SDKCOMPOUND connector takes its Java implementation from the SDKDYN connector, and differs only in that it also demonstrates attributes with compound values. That is, each value represents a complex state rather than a single simple value. These compound values are represented using JSON syntax (a subset of JavaScript syntax). Cases where compound values are handy include when you want to store a group of values in each value stored for an attribute. For example, you may want to store an object not managed by your connector "inline", or there may be data that must be stored on an associative link. For example, a permission which is granted between specified start and end times. Each value is represented as a JSON object, for example, {"name": "seqjim", "intV" : 47, "strV": "seqstrval2"} specifies an object which has three fields, "name" (a string), "intV" (an integer) and "strV" (a string).

When the order of values for a multi-valued attribute is important, in which case the attribute should have a single JSON array value, for example, [ {"name": "seqjack", "strV" : "seqstrval1"}, {"name": "seqjim", "intV" : 47, "strV": "seqstrval2"} ]