Previous Topic: How To Customize CA Identity Manager Authentication

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Modify the Login Credential Form

By default, the CA Identity Manager authentication scheme accepts the user name and password at login, provided in a credential form in the login.jsp file. These parameters are tested against credentials in the directory configured for the protected environment.

You can modify login.jsp to suit your authentication requirements. A partial listing login.jsp is shown following.

<form NAME="Login" METHOD="POST" target="_top"> 
. . 
User Name: <input type="text" name="username" /> 
Password:<input type="password" name="password" /> 
. .
. . 

To modify the credential form

  1. Edit login.jsp (located in iam_im.ear\user_console.war) as your authentication requirements demand.
    For example, you can substitute social security number for user name as follows:
    Social Security Number: <input type="text" name="socsecnum" />
  2. Save the changes to a different file name in case you want to return to the default authentication scheme at a later time. Remember that the default login.jsp gets overwritten when you apply an upgrade.

    The login page is ready for your environment.