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Provisioning Role Event Processing Order

Some default CA Identity Manager tasks include events, actions that CA Identity Manager performs to complete a task, that determine provisioning role membership. For example, the default Modify User task includes the AssignProvisioningRoleEvent and the RevokeProvisioningRoleEvent. Assigning or revoking a provisioning role may add or remove an account on an endpoint. In some cases, the endpoint may require that all Add actions occur before Remove actions.

To make CA Identity Manager process Add actions first, you enable the Accumulation of Provisioning Role Membership Events setting in the Management Console. When this setting is enabled, CA Identity Manager accumulates all of the Add and Remove actions into a single event, called the AccumulatedProvisioningRolesEvent. For example, if the Modify User task assigns a user to three provisioning roles and removes that user from two other provisioning roles, an AccumulatedProvisioningRolesEvent will be generated which contains five actions: 3 Add actions and 2 remove actions.

When this event executes, all Add actions are combined into a single operation and sent to the Provisioning Server for processing. Once processing of the Add actions completes, CA Identity Manager combines the Remove actions into a single operation and sends that operation to the Provisioning Server.

Enabling this setting affects the following CA Identity Manager functionality: