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Configure the Java Connector Server

If you are using a certificate from one of the following CAs, you do not need to perform this step:

If, you are using a certificate from a different CA, you must configure the Java Connector Server. If you use the same certificate for each OS/400 system, you will perform these steps only once.

To configure the Java Connector Server

  1. Stop the JCS service.
  2. Copy the CA certificate from your certificate authority to the directory where the connector client certificate keystore is located. Refer to the for the setting of connectorManager.connectorClientCertStore to determine the location of the connector client certificate keystore. The default value is set to ../conf/ssl.keystore.
  3. Open a DOS screen and change the DOS prompt to the directory where the connector client certificate keystore is located. For example,
    cd C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\Connector Server\conf\
  4. Issue the following command to import the CA certificate into the CA certificate store for Java:
    ..\..\bin\keytool -import -alias "eTrust Admin CA Certificate" -file 
    certificate_name.cer -keystore ssl.keystore
    1. Enter the default password secret (if it has not been changed) at the "Enter a keystore password" prompt.

      Note: You can use bin\ ldaps_password.bat utility to change the keystore's password. Refer to the JCS Implementation Guide for the usage of the utility.

    2. Enter yes at the "Trust this certificate" prompt.
  5. Restart the JCS service.