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Use Case: Checking for Offensive Names

When a new user is created, you may want to check if the username is offensive. The following process outlines how to check for offensive names using a Policy Xpress policy.

  1. Be sure that the appropriate fields in the Create User task's profile screen are set to Validate on Change = Yes.
  2. In Policy Xpress, create a policy of type 'UI' .
  3. Under the Run at Events tab, select the State 'Validate on Change' and the Create User task.
  4. Create the following data elements to check the first name:
  5. Create similar data elements as in Step 4 to check the last name.
  6. Create an action rule as follows:

    This rule will force the user to change the name before submitting the Create User task again.

  7. Create a similar action rule as in Step 6 for the last name.