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Remove LDA data

To remove all LDA data, validate the LDAP DYN endpoint, then run the cleanendpointtype utility included with the CA Identity Manager Provisioning Server.

Valid on Windows and UNIX

To remove LDA data

  1. Copy the deprecated endpoint's .dxc or .schema file (for example, etrust_lda.dxc) into the cleanendpointtype directory.

    The cleanendpointtype utility will find these files when you run it based on the file extension.

  2. (Windows) Enter either of the following commands from the cleanendpointtype sub-directory of either the Provisioning Directory or the Provisioning Server:

    C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\Provisioning Directory\cleanendpointtype -password <password>

    C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\Provisioning Server\cleanendpointtype -password <passwordfile.txt>

  3. (UNIX) Enter either of the following commands from the cleanendpointtype sub-directory of either the Provisioning Directory or the Provisioning Server:

    /opt/CA/IdentityManager/ProvisioningDirectory/cleanendpointtype -password <password>

    /opt/CA/IdentityManager/ProvisioningServer/cleanendpointype/cleanendpointtype <passwordfile.txt>

    The cleanendpointtype utility removes all LDA data from the endpoint.

Cleanendpointtype Utility

The cleanendpointtype utility removes all LDA data from the endpoint.

This command has the following format for both UNIX and Windows:

cleanendpointtype {-password <password>} [-hostname <hostname>] [-port CA Portal] [-username <username>] [-filename  "[set the File Name variable]"] [-readonly] [-createundo] [-verbose]
-password <password>

(Required) Specifies the password string or the filename that contains the password required to connect to the Provisioning Directory.

-hostname <hostname>

(Required if the Provisioning Directory is installed on a different computer) Specifies the hostname for the Provisioning Directory.

Default: local hostname

-port CA Portal

(Optional) Defines the port for the Provisioning Directory.

Default: 20394

-username <username>

(Optional) Defines the username to connect to the Provisioning Directory.

Default: eTDSAContainerName=DSAs,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=etadb)

-filename "[set the File Name variable]"

(Optional) Specifies the relative or absolute filename(s) for deprecated dxc/schema file(s), comma-delimited. If not specified, the utility uses all .dxc and .schema files in the current directory.


(Optional) Runs the utility in read-only mode. The utility displays the changes that would occur, and produces LDIF files but does not change the endpoint data.


(Optional) Creates undo LDIF files that allow you to undo any modifications or deletions made by the utility.


(Optional) Displays additional operational messages and results.