Connector Guides › Connectors Guide › Sample Connector › Further Enhancements › Configuring a Program Exit for Each UPO Exit
Configuring a Program Exit for Each UPO Exit
The program exits are enabled at the endpoint level. That is, either all UPO exits invoke the program exits, or none of them do. This connector can be enhanced to enable the program exits to be configured for each UPO exit.
You can implement these in one of the following ways:
- Add one boolean attribute for each program exit – UPO exit pair. There will be additional attributes such as useAddAccountSendMailExit, useAddAccountLoggingExit, useDeleteAccountSendMailExit, useDeleteAccountLoggingExit, and so forth. The code checks the appropriate boolean attribute for each provisioning request to determine whether or not to invoke the program exit.
- Add a multi-valued string attribute for each UPO exit, where such attribute contains the name of the program exit to invoke.