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Run the Registry Script

For CA Identity Manager to change data sources for reports in the Report Server, run the mergeConnection script.

Note: On a 64-bit system, omit this procedure. The Report Server is a 32-bit application, so you use the 32-bit side of the registry. Open REGEDT32 directly from SysWOW64, and create the MergeConnectionProperties key with the Type REG_SZ and value Yes. Create the key in this location:

@HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions

On the Report Server, the default location for this script is as follows:

On Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the mergeconnections_3.0.reg script and respond to the prompts that appear.
  2. Click Start, Program Files, CA, Report Server, Central Configuration Manager.
  3. Start all services, including Tomcat and the BO Server service.

On UNIX, perform the following steps:

  1. Check for Windows control characters in the mergeconnections script.

    If you downloaded the software using FTP in binary mode, these characters do not appear in this script. If you used another download method, use the dos2unix command to remove these characters.

  2. Copy the script from the ReportServerTools directory to the following directory
  3. Source in the environment variables for BusinessObjects Enterprise, as follows:
    source installation-directory//bobje/setup/
  4. Run the following script, as follows:

    Select 1 as the option when prompted.

  5. Restart crystal processing servers as follows:
    1. Log in as the non root user you used to install the Report Server.
    2. Issue these commands:
      cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CommonReporting3/bobje