Administration Guide › Admin Tasks › Admin Tasks and Events › Primary and Secondary Events
Primary and Secondary Events
Generally, events are independent of other events. However, some tasks are associated with a primary event and one or more secondary events:
- A failure of a primary event results in the automatic rejection of all of its secondary events. For example, if a CreateUserEvent fails, there is no need for the AddToGroupEvent to occur for the user. It also results in the cancellation of the associated task.
- A failure of a secondary event does not affect the success or failure of any other events executed for the task or the execution of the task itself. For example, in a Create User task, an AddToGroupEvent may be rejected, meaning that the new user cannot be added to a particular group. The user can still be created (CreateUserEvent) and assigned to provisioning roles (AssignProvisioningRoleEvent), and even be added to other groups.