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OS/400 Cascading Delete

In previous versions, if an OS400 account owned objects, the account could not be deleted from CA Identity Manager. In this version, a flag called “cascadingDelete” in the OS400 connector.xml in the Java Connector Server can be used to change this behavior. When the flag is set to true, the account and all objects owned by the account will be deleted. The default value is set to true.

If you want override the default value, you must:

  1. From a command prompt issue the following command:
    cd <jcs-home>\conf\override\as400\
    copy SAMPLE.connector.xml connector.xml
  2. Edit connector.xml to set "cascadingDelete" property value to either "true" or "false" as desired.
  3. Restart the im_jcs so that the change takes effect.

    Note: See the CA Identity Manager JCS Implementation Guide for more information on "override" connector.xml files.