Previous Topic: Prerequisites for Structured Attribute Support

Next Topic: Add Other Managed Objects in a Structured Attribute Display

Configure a Structured Attribute Display

To enable users to add or modify values in a structured attribute, you can add a structured attribute display to a profile screen. This display is typically used in account templates for endpoint types that support structured attributes.

To configure a structured attribute display

  1. Configure the prerequisites for structured attribute support.
  2. Edit a profile screen.
  3. Add an additional field to the profile screen by using the controls below the list of fields.
  4. Click the right arrow icon to open the Field Properties dialog for the field that you are adding.
  5. Select a structured attribute from the list of available attributes in the Attribute Name field.

    Note: The attribute you select must have the value type of structured in the directory configuration file (directory.xml).

  6. Select Nested Structure in the Style field.

    The fields in the Field Properties screen change based on the style selection.

  7. Add fields to the display table by clicking the right arrow icon and selecting a value from the list box.

    The values that appear in this list are the values that are available in the structured attribute, as defined in the directory configuration file (directory.xml).

    When you select a value, CA Identity Manager adds that value to the display table and enables you to configure properties for that value.

  8. Specify the following fields for the value in the display table configuration:

    Specifies the label for the field.


    Specifies the display properties for the field. You can select one of the following style options:

    • Checkbox

      Adds a check box next to the field name, which enables or disables a setting.

    • Date

      Displays a text box where administrators can enter a date.

      CA Identity Manager validates the date format.

    • Dropdown

      Allows the user to select a value for the field. Only one value is visible. Users click an arrow to see additional values in the list.

      The user can select a single value from the list.

    • Dropdown Combo

      Provides the same choice of values displayed by a Dropdown style, but adds a text box where the user can enter a new value.

    • Object Selector

      Allows you to add a search screen for selecting a managed object.

    • Radio Button

      Displays a list of values for a field. A radio button appears next to each value. Users can select a single value from the list.

    • String

      Displays the field's value as read only. If no value exists, the field is blank.

    • Structured

      Displays an Add button adds a new value to the nested compound attribute table.

    • Text

      Displays a box where the user can enter a value for the field.

      If the field's permission is read only, the value is displayed as a label.


    Determines whether users can sort the display table based on the selected field.

  9. Select the Allow Reordering of Values check box to allow administrators to reorder the list of structured attributes in the display on the profile screen.

    When selected, this setting adds up and down arrows to the last column of the structured attribute display.

  10. Add support for adding information from other managed objects in a structured attribute, if necessary.

    Note: Configuring support for other managed objects adds a search screen in the structured attribute display table that allows users to search for and add information that is stored in other types of managed objects. For example, you may want to allow users to select SAP Roles to add to a structured attribute on a user profile.

  11. Click Apply, then click OK.

    The structured attribute display is added to the Profile screen that you edited.