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Full Dump

A full dump is a complete dump of all users. The full dump data extraction must present the current state of each record at the time of the extraction.

With PeopleSoft HRMS, you can use the full table synchronization message (PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC) to do a full table publish which can publish all user data records to a local XML file. That XML file can then be used to feed into Bulk Load Client. You might need to customize the PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC message to suit your specific needs. Also, you will need to map all the records in the message to a view that only extracts currently effective data. A sample message file (peoplesoft2.xml) comes with the installation and is located under the "samples" directory. This file contains sample messages for PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC.

Refer to the PeopleSoft Integration Broker PeopleBook for detailed information on how to set up PeopleSoft Integration Broker and a full table data publish.