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Assign System Accounts

In the User Console, you can manage system accounts, which are endpoint accounts that are used to manage the endpoint system.

To assign a system account to a user, you create an admin task based on the Manage System Accounts task. The new task has a specific Identity Manager user who applies for a specific endpoint. You could create one task for each type of endpoint.

To configure a task to assign system accounts

  1. In the User Console, click Roles and Tasks, Admin Tasks, Create Admin Task.
  2. Base the new task on the Manage System Accounts.

    For example, you could create a task named Manage Oracle System Accounts to assign system accounts on an Oracle endpoint type.

  3. On the Search tab, click the Browse button to edit the search screen. On that screen, include a search filter for a user to assign to this system account.
  4. Submit the task.
  5. Include this task in a role.
  6. Assign the role to a user who should assign system accounts for an endpoint to a user.

    The user with this role can execute the new task to assign system users to an Identity Manager user.