Programming Guides › Programming Guide for Java Connector Server › Connector Review Checklist › Java Development Standards Considerations
Java Development Standards Considerations
Consider the following when determining how well your connector implementation has adhered to Java development standards:
- Have basic Java standards been adhered to?
- Have constants been used rather than magic numbers and magic strings?
- Does the Javadoc meet the following quality and coverage requirements?
- Have the following logging standards been met?
- Are appropriate levels used?
- Has careful attention been paid to logging error messages?
- Have lower-level severity messages been wrapped in "if (log.isDebugEnabled()) checks for runtime efficiency?
- When logging exceptions, has (log.debug(msg, ex) been used rather than log.debug(msg + ex))?
- Are JDK 1.5 generics used where applicable and allowed by your chosen API?
- Are repeatedly referenced complex expressions remembered in stack variables rather than repeated multiple times (use of basic refactoring in IDE)?
- Has attention been paid to threading issues (for example, synchronization of activate and deactivate calls, and such)?
- Has some testing been performed where multiple threads access the connector concurrently?
- Has dead, commented out code been cleaned up?