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Scripting Style Processor

The Scripting Style Processor maps LDAP operations and attribute into scripted output which is then submitted to the endpoint system for processing.

The Scripting Style Processor is similar to method-style processing except that the opbindings are tied to executed scripts. For example, in JDBC, scripts can be executed that perform logic directly, or alternatively, scripts can be executed to generate SQL which is then executed as a separate step.

Scripting support for executedDirectly=true opbindings is provided through the Java CS framework and does not require any special support from your connector. A script-style processor is only required to support opbindings for which executedDirectly=false, in which case the script generates a string of native code that is executed. For example, scripts bound to the JDBC connector can produce text containing SQL commands that are executed with or later.

The metadata used to drive this style of processing adheres to the opbindings.xsd schema, but unlike method-style processing, its opbindings have scripting payloads. The relative power of scripting languages allows the arguments to Java methods to be passed in as-is to the scripts, rather than defining mappings for them in the metadata, as is required for method-style processing. Currently, only script-style opbindings can be bound to the query operations, LOOKUP, and SEARCH.