When designing a connector you consider the containment mode you use, that is, is your connector flat, hierarchical, or hybrid?
You use flat connectors when the endpoint does not natively have a concept of containers for its objects, so all accounts and groups exist at the top level of the connector. For flat connectors, define Virtual Containers in the connector’s metadata, or for legacy support, in the connector’s /conf/connector.xml file. This makes objects of each type appear grouped into top-level logical containers for the user.
Virtual containers are not stored on the endpoint system, but are an artificial abstraction to group large collections of objects by object class for the benefit of the user. Most connectors are of this type, for example, the SDK sample, JDBC, and AS400.
You use hierarchical connectors when the endpoint system natively supports the notion of containers, as is the case for the Directory Servers with which the DYN JNDI connector communicates. These connectors do not need to define any Virtual Containers, but instead map to native containers to managed object classes in their metadata.
Some connectors mix both the flat and hierarchical models, with each applying to a distinct set of object classes.
Consider the following when designing a connector:
Note: For more information about the way these design choices impact they way you implement searches, see the topic Searching.
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