To use the csfconfig command, the command line syntax is:
csfconfig [--help[=op]] [operation] [argument]
You can use these arguments in any order. The operation argument is required unless you are using the --help argument.
The --help[=op] option provides minimal on-line help. The “=op” argument may be used to list the arguments that are required or optional for the operation. For example, “--help=add” will provide a description of the add operation, while “--help” will provide general information.
If help is requested, other arguments are ignored and no request is sent to the server.
Note: The domain parameter can be omitted as it is always the domain used in the whole installation.
The following operations are available.
Add a new CS connection object. A name will be generated by this operation if one is not specified by the user. Required arguments: auth, host, pass. Optional arguments: authpwd, br-add, desc, domain, name, port, usetls, debug.
Adds a branches specialization for one provisioning server.
When you have installed alternative provisioning servers, sometimes a connector server is not to be used by all of these Provisioning Servers. Or sometimes different provisioning servers will want to use the same connector servers for different branches (endpoint types or endpoints). A branches specialization is a list of branches that is specific to one provisioning server. Only provisioning servers without a specialization will use the branches specified in the main CS connection object. Required arguments: auth, name, server. Optional arguments: authpwd, br-add, domain, debug.
List all CS connection objects. Required arguments: auth. Optional arguments: authpwd, domain, debug.
Modify a CS connection object. Required arguments: auth, name. Optional arguments: authpwd, br-add, br-rem, desc, domain, host, pass, port, usetls, debug.
Edits a specialization created by addspec. Required arguments: auth, name, server. Optional arguments: authpwd, br-add, br-rem, domain, debug.
Remove an existing CS connection object. Required arguments: auth, name. Optional argument: authpwd, debug.
Removes a specialization created by addspec. Required arguments: auth, name, server. Optional arguments: authpwd, domain, debug.
Modify a CS connection object. Required arguments: auth, name. Optional arguments: authpwd, br-add, br-rem, desc, domain, host, pass, port, server, tls, usetls.
Show a specific CS connection object or show all CS connection objects. The output shows the host and port of the connector server if it is available. Required arguments: auth. Optional arguments: authpwd, name, domain, debug.
Each operation takes several arguments in the form “name=value”. Spaces are not allowed before or after the “=” symbol, and if the value contains any spaces, the argument must be quoted appropriately for the platform (Windows or UNIX). Except as noted, the value must be provided, and must be non-empty.
The following arguments are used for the operations as noted above:
Identify the global user for authentication.
Value format: “name” where name is the global user's name.
Identify a file containing just the global user's password on the first line. If this argument is not specified, the user will be prompted for a password.
Value format: any appropriate operating system file path.
Add a new branch. This argument may be specified multiple times to add multiple branches.
Value format: “[[endpoint,]endpoint type][@[domain]]”. Use a branch of “@” by itself to represent all branches. Add “endpoint type” or “endpoint,endpoint type” to identify a specific endpoint type or endpoint.
Remove an existing branch. This argument may be specified multiple times to remove multiple branches.
Value format: same format as specified for br-add.
Turns on trace logging for the command. Tracing messages are written to the file PSHOME\logs\etaclientYYYYMMDD.log file.
Value format: The value “yes" enables logging.
Provide an arbitrary description for the object. If not specified in an add operation, it will default to the value of the host argument.
Value format: an arbitrary string.
Define the default domain. If not specified, the domain specified in the auth argument is used as the default.
As the value can only be the default, this parameter can always be omitted
Define the name of the host on which the Connector Server runs.
Value format: any legal host name or IP address.
The name of the Connector Server object. If not specified during Add, csfconfig will assign a name and display what name was created.
Value format: A case-insensitive string of one or more characters consisting of upper-case English letters (A-Z), lower-case English letters (a-z), digits (0-9), hyphen(-) or underscore(_).
Define the file containing the password for the Connector Server connection object. If the value is not specified, the user will be prompted.
Value format: any appropriate OS file path.
Important! The password you must specify is the password you entered when you installed that Connector Server or you changed subsequent to install by running the pwdmgr utility on that Connector Server system.
Define the port number for the object. This must be a valid number for a port where the Connector Server listens for connections.
Value format: an integer.
In addspec, modspec and remspec commands, define the name of the Provisioning Server that is served by the Connector Server . The branches defined in a specialization override, for a particular provisioning server, the branches defined in the CS configuration object by add and modify commands.
Value format: the name of the host where the Provisioning Server is running as returned by the system's hostname command.
Note: The Connector Server configuration objects are stored with the other domain configuration parameters in the provisioning directory. While the Connector Server configuration parameters cannot be viewed or changed with the provisioning manager directly, one can use the provisioning manager (System task, Domain Configuration button) to get a list of known provisioning servers. To do this, open the “Servers” parameter folder and the known provisioning servers will be listed.
Indicate if TLS should be used to communicate with the Connector Server. The value is optional for the add operation only, in which case it defaults to “yes.” .
Value format: a string “yes” or “no”.
Upon successful completion of the add operation, the name of the newly created Connector Server connection object will be listed. If the name parameter is missing, a name is generated. For example:
Created CS object with name = SA000
For most operations, successful or not, the status and a message (if any) will be shown. For example:
The host name, port number, or TLS flag was successfully changed. The branch settings were successfully changed.
For some errors, such as invalid command line parameters, no status code or server error message is displayed. In these cases, a simple statement of the error will be shown. For example:
$ csfconfig add No authentication information supplied. For on-line help, use "--help [=<op>]"
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