Previous Topic: Admin Policies

Next Topic: Admin Roles

Role Planning Checklist

Before creating a role, use this checklist of role characteristics.

Role Characteristic


Role Profile

Define a name and description for the role and set Enabled status.


Include admin or access tasks.

Account Templates

Include account templates that define accounts that exist in endpoints (provisioning roles only).

Member Policies


For each member policy, define:

  • Member Rules -- Who can use the role
  • Scope Rules -- Which objects can a role member manage
  • Add Action -- What happens to the profile of a user who becomes a member
  • Remove Action -- What happens to the profile of a user who is removed as a member

Admin Policies


For each admin policy:

  • Admin Rules -- Who can manage the users as members or administrators
  • Scope Rules -- Which users can the administrator manage as members or administrators
  • Add Action -- What happens to the profile of a user who becomes an administrator
  • Remove Action -- What happens to the profile of a user who is removed as an administrator

Owner Rules

Define who can modify the role.