Installation Guide › WebSphere Version › Report Server Installation › How to Install the Report Server › Copy the JDBC JAR Files
Copy the JDBC JAR Files
To copy the JDBC JAR files
- Navigate to the jdbcdrivers folder where the CA Identity Manager Admin toolkit is installed. The default location is as follows:
- Windows: C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools\lib\jdbcdrivers
- UNIX: /opt/CA/IdentityManager/IAM_Suite/Identity_Manager/tools/lib/jdbcdrivers
- Copy ojdbc14.jar (for Oracle) or sqljdbc.jar (for SQL Server) to the following location:
- Windows: CA\SC\CommonReporting3\common\4.0\java\lib
- UNIX: /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CommonReporting3/bobje/java/lib
- Open the CRConfig.xml file, found in the following location:
- Windows: CA\SC\CommonReporting3\common\4.0\java
- UNIX: /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CommonReporting3/bobje/java
- Add the location of the JDBC JAR files to the Classpath. For example:
- Windows: <Classpath>report_server_home\common\4.0\java\lib\sqljdbc.jar; report_server_home\ common\4.0\java\lib\ojdbc14.jar …</Classpath>
- UNIX: <Classpath>${BOBJEDIR}/java/lib/sqljdbc.jar:${BOBJEDIR}/java/lib/ojdbc14.jar:…</Classpath>
- Save the file.
- Restart the Report Server as follows: