When CA Identity Manager integrates with SiteMinder, the implementation must include the components in the basic CA Identity Manager installation, plus the following additional components:
Provides policy management, authentication, authorization, and accounting services.
The Policy Server can be installed on the same machine as the Identity Manager Server, if the Policy Server is dedicated to CA Identity Manager. If the Policy Server is protecting other applications, we recommend installing it on a separate machine to ensure best performance.
Contains all of the Policy Server data. You can configure a policy store in a supported LDAP or relational database. In high availability implementations, we recommend installing the policy store on a separate server.
Enables a SiteMinder Policy Server to support CA Identity Manager. Install the extensions on each SiteMinder Policy Server system in your CA Identity Manager implementation.
Works with the SiteMinder Policy Server to protect the User Console. Installed on the system with the Identity Manager Server.
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