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Create the Report Parameter XML File

In CA Identity Manager, reports provide their own search screen so that a user can enter or select required data during the generation of a report. A parameter is one of the fields in a report that can be used to filter reports. You can generate a report by filtering the data using parameters. To allow the customization of the report search screen, each report (RPT file) is associated with a Report Parameter XML file.

Note: You only need a report parameter XML file if the report queries attributes on the object.

Important! The Report Parameter XML file must have the same name as the report (RPT file) with a .xml extension. For example, if you upload a report named test1.rpt into the Report Server, your XML file should be named test1.xml.

The Report Parameter XML file has the following elements:


Identifies the product for which the parameters are used. You can create different parameters for multiple products using the same parameter XML file.


Defines the parameters that displayed on a screen. You can use the screen element to bind the parameters to a specific screen. The screen ID is alphanumeric and unique, and is used to identify the screens and their parameters.


Specifies the collection of parameters for a screen.


Defines the parameter element that passes along specified data to the report. The following attributes are used in the <param> element:


Defines which parameter in the report to associate with.

Note: This should have the same name as the parameter in the Crystal Report.


This field is not currently used by CA Identity Manager. Set this attribute to the same value as id.


Specifies the user-friendly text to be displayed in the screen for the parameter.


Defines the type of parameter. The screen display changes based on this attribute. The parameter types supported are as follows:

  • Text Box

    Example: <param id="param1" displaytext="First Name" name="param1" type="string"/>

  • Date and Time

    Example: <param id="dateVal" displaytext="Date" name="dateVal" type="date_str"/>

    <param id="timeVal" displaytext="Time" name="timeVal" type="time_str"/>

    <param id="datetimeVal" displaytext="Date &amp; Time" name="datetimeVal" type="date_time_str"/>

  • Drop-down List

    Example: <param id="lastname1" displaytext="Name" name="lastname1" type="dropdown" default="key1%1FMy Value1%1Ekey2%1FMy Value2" selected_value="My Value2"/>

  • List Box

    Example: <param id="lstlastname1" displaytext="Name" name="lstlastname1" type="listbox" rows="10" default="key1%1FSuper%1Ekey2%1Fsql2kSuser01%1E key1F%Super"/>

  • Radio Box

    Example: <param id="optionslist" displaytext="Option 1" name="optionslist" type="radiobox" value="option1"/>

    <param id="optionslist" displaytext="Option 2" name="optionslist" type="radiobox" value="option2"/>

    <param id="optionslist" displaytext="Option 3" name="optionslist" type="radiobox" value="option3"/>

  • Check Box

    Example: <param id="enabled" displaytext="Enabled" name="enabled" type="checkbox"/>


Defines how many rows are visible in a list box.

Default: 5


Defines the default value displayed on the screen for a given parameter. This attribute can be used with the string, list box, and drop-down list types.