Installation Guide › JBoss Version › CA Identity Manager as a Windows Service › Install the Java Service Wrapper Files
Install the Java Service Wrapper Files
Four files are required to use the Java Service Wrapper and three additional files are provided to launch JBoss manually and install or uninstall the Windows Service.
- Download the Java Service Wrapper.
- Copy the following files into the JBoss bin directory:
- wrapper_home\bin\wrapper.exe—the Java Service Wrapper executable
- wrapper_home\src\bin\—the batch file to run JBoss in a console
- wrapper_home\src\bin\—the batch file to install the Windows Service
- wrapper_home\src\bin\—the batch file to uninstall the Windows Service
wrapper_home is the location where you installed the Java Service Wrapper.
- Rename the three batch files from Step 1 as follows:
- jboss_home\bin\CAIdentityManager.bat
- jboss_home\bin\InstallCAIdentityManagerService.bat
- jboss_home\bin\UninstallCAIdentityManagerService.bat
- Copy the following files into the JBoss lib directory:
- wrapper_home\lib\wrapper.dll—native library required by the Java Service Wrapper
- wrapper_home\lib\wrapper.jar—Java Service Wrapper classes
- Create the following directory:
- Copy the following files into this conf directory:
wrapper_home\src\conf\—the Java Service Wrapper configuration
- Rename the file as follows: