Previous Topic: Create the Identity Manager Directory

Next Topic: How to Configure the NeteAuto Sample without Organization Support

Create the NeteAuto Identity Manager Environment

Perform the following procedure to create the NeteAuto Identity Manager Environment.

To create the NeteAuto Identity Manager Environment

  1. In the Management Console, click Environments.
  2. In the Identity Manager Environments screen, click New.

    The Identity Manager Environment wizard appears.

  3. In the first page of the wizard, enter the following values:
    Environment name

    NeteAuto Environment


    This is a sample Environment



    The alias is added to the URL for accessing the Identity Manager Environment. For example, the URL for accessing the neteauto environment is the following:



    Defines the fully qualified domain name of the server where CA Identity Manager is installed, for example:

    Note: The alias is case-sensitive.

    Click Next.

  4. Select the Identity Manager Directory to associate with the Environment that you are creating:

    Click Next.

  5. Configure support for public tasks, such as the self-registration and forgotten password tasks, as follows:
    1. Type the following alias for public tasks:


    2. Enter SelfRegUser as the anonymous user account.
    3. Click Validate to view the user’s unique identifier.

    Note: Users do not need to log in to use public tasks.

  6. Select the tasks and roles to create for the NeteAuto Environment:
    1. Select Import roles from the file.
    2. Browse to one of the following locations:
      • For a Sun Java System Directory Server user store:


      • For a Microsoft SQL Server user store:


      • For an Oracle user store:


      admin_tools refers to the Administrative Tools, which are installed in the following location by default:

      Windows: C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools

      UNIX: /opt/CA/IdentityManager/IAM_Suite/Identity_Manager/tools

  7. Specify a user to serve as the System Manager for this environment and click Next:
    1. Type SuperAdmin in the System Manager field.
    2. Click Add.

      CA Identity Manager adds the unique identifier of the SuperAdmin user to the list of users.

    3. Click Next.
  8. Review the settings for the environment, and do the following.
  9. Click Continue to exit the Identity Manager Environment wizard.
  10. Start the Identity Manager Environment.

Once you create the NeteAuto Environment, you can do the following: