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Create a SQL Server Data Source for WebSphere
  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, navigate to the JDBC provider that you created when you configured the JDBC driver.
  2. Select Data Sources in the Additional Properties section.
  3. Create a new data source with the following properties and click Apply:

    Name: User Store Data Source

    JNDI Name: userstore

    databaseName: userstore_name

    serverName: db_systemname

  4. Configure the selectMethod property as follows:
    1. Select Custom Properties in the Additional Properties section.
    2. Click the selectMethod custom property.
    3. Enter the following in the Value field:


    4. Click OK, then use the navigation links at the top of the screen to return to the data source you are creating.
  5. Configure a new J2C Authentication Data Entry for the User Store Data Source:
    1. Select J2EE Connector Architecture (J2C) authentication data entries from the Related Items section.
    2. Click New.
    3. Enter the following properties:

      Alias: User Store

      User ID: username

      password: password

      where username and password are the username and password for the account you specified when you created the database.

    4. Click OK, then use the navigation links at the top of the screen to return to the data source you are creating.
  6. Select the User Store J2C Authentication Data Entry you created from the list box in the Component-managed Authentication Alias field.
  7. Click OK, then save the configuration.

    Note: To verify that the data source is configured correctly, click Test Connection in the configuration screen for the data source. If the test connection fails, restart WebSphere and test the connection again.