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Create a PKI Environment

Once the PKI connector has been installed and configured, you can create your PKI environment.

To create your PKI environment

  1. Create an administrative user and profile.

    The CA Identity Manager administrator that is going to use the PKI connector must have an existing account with administrative privileges in the Entrust Authority domain and the corresponding profile. This user should have the Security Officer role assigned.

  2. For this administrator, create a Global User in CA Identity Manager with the Admin profile that lets the Global User perform administrative actions (for example, Domain Administrator), and assign the password that matches exactly the password that was used to create the profile for this administrative user in the Entrust Security System.
  3. (Optional) Define a primary email address for this administrator to enable the email notification feature.

    Use the Entrust PKI Domain Access tab on the Global User Property Sheet to define the host name of the managed PKI system and the PKI profile file (the corresponding PKI account that is used to manage the PKI system).

  4. Log into CA Identity Manager using the credentials of the global user that was just created.

    Your PKI environment is now established.