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Specify LDAP Connection Settings

To improve performance, you can specify the following parameters in the directory configuration file (directory.xml):

Connection Timeout

Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds that Identity Manager searches a directory before terminating the search.

This property is specified in the directory configuration file as follows:


Connection Pool Max Size

Specifies the maximum number of connections that Identity Manager can make to the LDAP directory.

This property is specified in the directory configuration file as follows:


Connection Pool Default Size

Specifies the default number of connections between Identity Manager and the LDAP directory.

This property is specified in the directory configuration file as follows:


To specify LDAP connection settings

  1. In the directory configuration file (directory.xml), locate the ImsManagedObject element that describes the user object.
  2. Add the following PropertyDict element:
    <PropertyDict name="LDAP_CONNECTION_SETTINGS" description="LDAP Connection Settings">
    <Property name="com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout">5000</Property>
    <Property name="com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.maxsize">200</Property>
    <Property name="com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.prefsize">10</Property>
  3. Save the directory.xml file.

    Identity Manager configures these settings when you create the Identity Manager directory with this file.