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Modify a KRB Password Policy

After you acquire an endpoint, you can modify KRB password policies as required.

When you modify a Kerberos password policy, the accounts that refer to that policy are not affected until the account’s password is changed. When the password is changed, the new password must conform to the properties of the modified policy.

Note: If the password policy is assigned to principals, you can only modify the account template in a way that is below the current rule enforcement. For example, if the minimum password length is specified as eight characters, you cannot change it to ten characters.

To modify a KRB password policy

  1. In the Provisioning Manager, acquire the endpoint you want to view password policies for.
  2. Explore and correlate the endpoint you want to view password policies for.
  3. In the EndpointName column, right-click the endpoint you want to view password policies for, then click Content.

    The Endpoint Content dialog appears.

  4. In the Container tree, select KRB Password Policies.
  5. Complete the fields on the Endpoint Content dialog as required, then click Search.

    The Provisioning Manager displays the password policies in the main Provisioning Manager window.

  6. In the main Provisioning Manager window, double-click the KRB password policy you want to modify the properties for.

    The Password Policy Properties dialog appears.

  7. Modify the fields on the Password Properties dialog as required, and then click OK.

    The Provisioning Manager modifies the password policy.

More information:

Password Account Template Properties Tab