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Configure Sort Order

You can specify a sort attribute for each managed object, such as users, groups, or organizations. CA Identity Manager uses this attribute to sort search results in custom business logic, which you create with the Identity Manager APIs.

Note: The sort attribute does not affect the way search results are displayed in the User Console.

For example, when you specify the cn attribute for the user object, CA Identity Manager sorts the results of a search for users alphabetically by the cn attribute.

To configure default sort order

  1. After the last IMSManagedObjectAttr element in the section for the managed object to which the sort order applies, add the following statements:
    <PropertyDict name="SORT_ORDER">
    	<Property name="ATTR">your_sort_attribute
  2. Replace your_sort_attribute with the attribute on which CA Identity Manager will sort the search results.

Note: Specify only one physical attribute. Do not specify a well-known attribute.

For example, to sort user search results based on the value of the cn attribute, add the following elements after the last IMSManagedObjectAttr element in the User Object section of the directory configuration file:

<!-- ******************** User Object ******************** -->
   <ImsManagedObject name="User" description="My Users"
	<ImsManagedObjectAttr physicalname="departmentnumber"
		displayname="Department" description="Department"
		valuetype="String" required="true"
		multivalued="false" maxlength="0" />
	<PropertyDict name="SORT_ORDER">
		<Property name="ATTR">cn</Property>