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Explore and Correlate an Endpoint

To add users that exist in an endpoint, you define an explore and correlate definition for that endpoint. Then, you use this definition with the Execute Explore and Correlate task.

This operation has three results:

To create an explore and correlate definition

  1. In an environment, click Endpoints, Explore and Correlate Definitions, Create Explore and Correlate Definition.
  2. Click Okay to start a new definition.
  3. Complete the Explore and Correlate Tab as follows:
  4. Fill in Explore and Correlate name with any meaningful name.

    Click Select Container/Endpoint/Explore Method to click an endpoint to explore and one or more containers if it has containers. A container search may take a little while for a large endpoint. Use the search filter to narrow the search. Click an explore method for the container. The explore and correlate process includes containers you select and its sub-containers. For a directory container, it includes all the containers in the sub-tree.

    Click the Explore/Correlate Actions to perform:

  5. Click Submit.

To use an explore and correlate definition

  1. In an environment, click Endpoints, Execute Explore and Correlate.
  2. Select Execute now to run explore and correlate immediately, or select Schedule new job to run explore and correlate at a later time or on a recurring schedule.

    Note: This operation requires the client browser to be in the same time zone as the server. For example, if the client time is 10:00 PM on Tuesday when the server time is 7:00 AM, the Explore and Correlate definition will not work.

  3. Click an explore and correlate definition to execute.
  4. Click Submit.

The user accounts that exist on the endpoint are created or updated in CA Identity Manager based on the explore and correlate definition you created.

To verify explore and correlate succeeded

  1. Go to System, View Submitted Tasks.
  2. Complete the task name field as follows: Execute Explore And Correlate
  3. Click Search.

The results show if the task completed successfully.