Connector Guides › Connectors Guide › Connecting to Endpoints › RACF Connector › Connector-Specific Features › Acquire a RACF System Using the Provisioning Manager › Register RACF Endpoints on Windows Machines
Register RACF Endpoints on Windows Machines
To register RACF endpoints on a Windows system, perform this procedure.
From the Endpoint task view
- Select RACF Endpoint from Object Type
- Click the New button. You will be required to fill in the following information:
- Endpoint Name specifies a name to refer to the new RACF endpoint.
- Mainframe LDAP IP Address/Machine Name specifies the IP address or machine name of the RACF managed system where the CA LDAP Server is configured and running.
- Mainframe LDAP Port specifies the port number that you specified during the CA LDAP Server for z/OS install. If you are not sure of the Mainframe LDAP Port, see the section "Checking your CA LDAP Server for z/OS Configuration Information".
- Mainframe LDAP Suffix specifies the suffix to use for this endpoint. This combo box is automatically populated with all valid and available suffixes when you click the "Get Suffixes" button. Suffixes can be retrieved once valid values have been provided for the Mainframe IP Address/Machine Name and Mainframe LDAP Port fields.
Note: If, after clicking "Get Suffixes", there are no suffixes showing, you are either pointing to the wrong CA LDAP Server or the CA LDAP Server is not configured for use by CA Identity Manager.
- Admin User specifies the RACF Userid of an administrator to be used from within CA Identity Manager to manage the RACF system.
- Password specifies the password of the RACF Userid above.
- Confirm Password specifies the same password as above for confirmation.
Note: After you click OK, the Provisioning Server attempts to establish a connection with the CA LDAP Server for z/OS at the IP address and port supplied, as well as, validating the Admin user and Password values supplied. An appropriate error message is displayed if this connection fails.A Global User is inserted in the Provisioning Server with Domain Administrator authority using the ID and password supplied. This Global User should now be used to administer this RACF endpoint.