The following two configuration files are an example of a conversion from Windows to CA Access Control. The information that you should modify is in italics.
; ; This configuration file is used by the Identity Manager Windows Password ; Synchronization Facility. ; [Server] host=<Provisioning Server host> port=20389 use_tls=yes admin_suffix=dc=<domain suffix> admin=etaadmin password=k4tpGDJ8Djg= ;; Identity Manager domain information ;; ;; If the search fails, and the container dn is specified, the account dn is ;; constructed as "<acct_attribute_name>=<native acct name>,<container dn>". ;; The container DN should contain "dc=eta". ;; [EtaDomain] domain=<domain name> etrust_suffix="dc=eta" domain_suffix=dc=<domain suffix> Namespace=Windows NT directory=chete03 directory_dn=eTN16DirectoryName=chete03,eTNamespaceName=Windows NT,dc=129-731-CHOPIN,dc=eta container_dn=eTN16AccountContainerName=Accounts,eTN16DirectoryName=chete03,eTNamespaceName=Windows NT,dc=129-731-CHOPIN,dc=eta acct_attribute_name=eTN16AccountName acct_object_class=eTN16Account ; ; This configuration file is used by the Identity Manager Password Synchronization ; Facility for CA Access Control ; [Server] host=<Provisioning Server host> port=20389 use_tls=yes admin_suffix=dc=<domain suffix> admin=etaadmin password=k4tpGDJ8Djg= ;; Identity Manager domain information ;; ;; In order to find the account DN, a search operation will be performed, using ;; the directory dn as the search base, and objectClass and account name as the ;; search filter. ;; ;; If the search fails, and the container dn is specified, the account dn is ;; constructed as "<acct_attribute_name>=<native acct name>,<container dn>". ;; The container DN should contain "dc=eta". ;; ;; Currently, domain, etrust_suffix, Endpoint Type, and directory keys are not used, ;; because all DNs are hardcoded. The future enhancement is to provide "domain", ;; "Endpoint Type" and, "directory name". Identity Manager will find out the DNs based on ;; the supplied information. [EtaDomain] domain=<domain name> etrust_suffix="dc=eta" domain_suffix=dc=<domain suffix> Namespacee=Windows NT directory=pmdb ;; Directory name of the CA Access Control system directory_dn=eTACCDirectoryName=pmdb,eTNamespaceName=Access Control,dc=129-731-CHOPIN,dc=eta container_dn=eTACCAccountContainerName=Accounts,eTACCDirectoryName=pmdb,eTNamespaceName=Access Control,dc=129-731-CHOPIN,dc=eta acct_attribute_name=eTACCAccountName acct_object_class=eTACCAccount ;; Password Profile Configuration ;; profile_enabled = [yes|y|no|n] ---> Unknown values default to "no" ;; profile_dn = "<the DN of the password profile>" [PasswordProfile] profile_enabled = no profile_dn = eTPasswordProfileName=Password Profile,eTPasswordProfileContainerName=Password Profile,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=129-731-CHOPIN,dc=eta
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