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Installing Filtering Rules for the Policy Model Database (PMDB)

The following step should be performed after you enable the administrator's account.

The following PMDB filtering rules should be specified for each PMDB on the CA Access Control server if you want to administer the PMDB. These rules prevent internal updates to the pre-defined account __ACCAgt (use two underscores with this account name) from being propagated to the subscribers of the PMDB.

  MODIFY	   eTrust    USER     	__ACCAgt      *          NOPASS
  CREATE	   eTrust    USER    	__ACCAgt      *          NOPASS
  DELETE	   eTrust    USER    	__ACCAgt      *          NOPASS

For example, if the PMDB is for CA Access Control for UNIX, add these rules to the filter file specified in the pmd section of the pmd.ini file for the PMDB. For CA Access Control for Windows, the filter file is specified in the registry for the PMDB. For either platform, create the filter file if it does not exist.

The Utilities Guide for CA Access Control for UNIX and the Administrator Guide for CA Access Control for Windows provide the instructions for setting up filtering rules for PMDB propagation.