Connector Guides › Connectors Guide › Connecting to Endpoints › UNIX ETC and NIS Connector › Connector-Specific Features › UNIX Etautil Conventions
UNIX Etautil Conventions
Use the following UNIX conventions in your etautil commands:
- The Endpoint Type name (eTNamespaceName) is UNIX - etc for stand-alone servers and UNIX - NIS-NIS plus Domains for NIS and NIS+ servers
- The Endpoint Type prefix is ETC. Therefore, the UNIX class names are:
- eTETCDirectory for an endpoint on a stand-alone server
- eTETCPolicyContainer for an account template container on a stand-alone server
- eTETCPolicy for an account template on a stand-alone server
- eTNISDirectory for an endpoint on an NIS or NIS+ server
- eTNISPolicyContainer for an account template container on an NIS or NIS+ server
- eTNISPolicy for an account template object class on an NIS or NIS+ server
For more information about the etautil command, see the Reference help.
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Distinguished Names