Previous Topic: Step 2. Install the CAM Service

Next Topic: Step 4. Install the UNIX Agent

Step 3. Configure the CAM Service

To configure the CAM service, perform the following procedure.

To configure the CAM service

  1. Log on to your UNIX machine as root by using the Telnet or SSH client.
  2. Change to the cam scripts directory:
    cd `cat /etc/catngcampath`/scripts
  3. Issue the following shell script:
    . ./envset

    Note: This command must have a space between the two dots.

  4. Change to the cam bin directory:
    cd ../bin
  5. Issue the following UNIX command:
    ./cafthost -a hostname

    where hostname is the name or the IP address of the system hosting the connector.

More Information

Manage the CAM Service