How Exploration and Correlation Works
It is important to understand the steps of the explore and correlate function so that you can determine how and when to use it in your organization. There are three steps to performing the explore and correlate function. The first step gathers the information from the CA Top Secret security file. The length of time this step takes is a constant that is based on the number of ACIDs, profiles, and groups on your z/OS system. Because the number of changes that have been made to the CA Top Secret data store outside of CA Identity Manager cannot be determined, a complete list of objects is always generated.
The second step compares the information in the CA Top Secret security data store to the information in the Identity Manager repository and merges the results. This consists of adding any new account information into the Identity Manager repository and removing accounts that were deleted outside of CA Identity Manager. The initial exploration takes a long time. However, in each subsequent execution of the exploration, the length of time it takes is directly proportional to the amount of activity and changes made outside of CA Identity Manager.
The third step correlates the information gathered from the CA Top Secret security file into the Provisioning repository. This step is only performed if the Correlate accounts with global users check box has been selected in the Explore and Correlate Endpoint dialog. We recommend that you also select the Create global users check box at the same time since these two tasks are closely related. The length of time that this step takes, like the previous step, increases with the number of the new objects being added, modified, or deleted.
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