Connector Guides › Connectors Guide › Connecting to Endpoints › CA ACF2 Connector › Secondary Authids › Automated Administration of Secondary Authids
Automated Administration of Secondary Authids
The ACF2 Agent performs the following several automated tasks to maintain the Secondary Authids assigned to an Account or Policy:
- Record Creation - The ACF2 Agent will create a Secondary Authid (Parent or Child) if it does not exist. It will add the specified Account to the new Secondary Authid if it is a Child record or stand-alone Parent record, and it will add a new Child record to a new Parent record if the specified Parent does not exist.
- Record Modification - If a new Child record (specified on the Account Template) needs to be created, then it will be created and added to the Parent record.
- Record Deletion - If an ACF2 Account is removed from a Secondary Authid (either through an Account modification or deletion), and the Account is the last Logonid on the Secondary Authid, then that record will be deleted and removed from any Parent records it belongs to. If the Secondary Authid is also the last record on the Parent record, then the Parent record will be deleted also.