Previous Topic: Install the CAM and CAFT Service for Windows NT

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How to Configure the CAM and CAFT Service for Windows NT

There are two ways to configure the CAM and CAFT service.

To configure the CAM and CAFT Service using the command prompt

  1. Log on to your Windows NT machine as the domain administrator or log on to your Windows NT Workgroup machines as the local administrator.
  2. Issue the following command from a command window:
    CAFTHOST -a NT_node_name

    Name of the C++ Connector Server if used.

    Note: If the Provisioning Server is networked using DHCP or you do not use DNS for name resolution, the network name will not be recognized. Under these conditions, use the TCP/IP address for the Windows NT node name or add a Windows NT node entry in the local hosts file on your Windows NT machine.

  3. Verify the previous command by issuing the following command:

    Note: Firewalls may need to be configured to allow communications using the CAM/CAFT service.

To configure the CAM and CAFT Service using the Host to Caft Definition dialog

  1. Log on to your Windows NT machine as the domain administrator or log on to your Windows NT Workgroup machines as the local administrator.
  2. Run Host to Caft Definition located in the default Identity Manager Start program group.

    Start > Programs > CA > Identity Manager > Host to Caft Definition

  3. In the Enter a server name field, enter the name of the C++ Connector Server if used. Click Add.

    Note: The same conditions regarding DHCP and DNS listed in the previous section also applies here.

  4. Verify that the server name added is listed in the Permitted managing servers list. Click OK.

Note: Firewalls may also need to be configured to allow communications using the CAM/CAFT service.