Previous Topic: Configure Your OS/400 System

Next Topic: Select the Certificate Location

Prepare the System

To prepare your OS/400 system, perform the following procedure:

On your OS/400 system

  1. Verify that one of the following client encryption licensed programs is installed:

    IBM iSeries Client Encryption (56-bit) Version 5, Release 1. This program is used in countries other than the United States or Canada.


    IBM iSeries Client Encryption (128-bit) Version 5, Release 1. This program is used in the United States and Canada only.


    IBM iSeries Client Encryption (56-bit) Version 4, Release 5. This program is used in countries other than the United States or Canada.


    IBM iSeries Client Encryption (128-bit) Version 4, Release 5. This program is used in the United States and Canada only.

    Note: These programs are an installation option on your OS/400 system.

  2. Verify that one of the following server encryption licensed programs is installed:

    IBM iSeries Server Encryption (56-bit) Version 5, Release 1. This program is used in countries other than the United States or Canada.


    IBM iSeries Server Encryption (128-bit) Version 5, Release 1. This program is used in the United States and Canada only.


    IBM iSeries Server Encryption (56-bit) Version 4, Release 5. This program is used in countries other than the United States or Canada.


    IBM iSeries Server Encryption (128-bit) Version 4, Release 5. This program is used in the United States and Canada only.

    Note: These programs are an installation option on your OS/400 system.

  3. Verify that the following licensed programs are installed:

    Product Option 34 - Digital Certificate Manager


    IBM HTTP Server

  4. Create a file share from your OS/400 system to your Provisioning Server/Java Connector Server.