Previous Topic: Querying Connector Objects

Next Topic: How you Implement doLookup

How You Search for an Object

The Java CS framework provides an abstract class AbstractAttributeStyleProcessor which your connector can implement. Implement the following methods to handle the search for endpoint objects:

  Attributes doLookup(ObjectInfo objInfo, String[] attrIds) throws NamingException;
  NamingEnumeration doSearch(Name baseName,
            FilterInfo filterInfo,
            Map environment, SearchControls searchControls)
            throws NamingException;

Note: For more information, see the following sections in the JCS Javadoc in the CA Identity Manager bookshelf:

See the SDK Sample connector for a complete sample implementation.

All values of DN, search filter, and return attribute IDs are mapped to the connector by the time these methods are called. If you provided connectorMapTo=values in your connector metadata file, all values are in connector terminology.

The Java CS Framework runs any required validators or converters before you invoke this method, that is, all data is in connector terminology.

Note: The childTypes metadata setting for the top-level eTDYNDirectory class and all containers classes is critical in driving the behavior of the lookup and search operations – if a class name is missing then objects of this class will not be found.