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Java CS Installer Connector Deployment

You can use the Java CS installer to deploy connectors created with the Java CS SDK without writing code to perform the installation.

Note: After you deploy a connector, be sure to acquire the endpoint, then explore and correlate the endpoint. For details, see the Provisioning Guide.

Connectors must be distributed in a zip archive format built by running ant inst in the top-level jcs-sdk-home directory. The zip file name must match the format where * is a short name for the connector of 3 to 5 characters. For example:


Match the short name of the implementation .jar containing the new connector, to the short name of the connector, for example:


Important! The zip file contents are extracted directly into the installation folder during the install process. We recommend that you pay careful attention to the directory used when files are included in the zip file.

For an example of the required approach, see the -inst target of jcs-sdk-home/connectors/sdk/build.xml.

The zip file can contain the following folders:

Note: Only JAR files from /lib and /extlib are added to the class path.

The Java CS installer can deploy both static and dynamic connectors. The installer reads the connector.xml from the jcs-connector-*.jar to determine the RDN of the connector being installed. This allows custom-created static endpoint types to be registered with the server at install time with no coding effort.

The installer reads _uninst/*pop.ldif files included in the .jar files for DYN-based connectors, meaning that their target endpoint types are fully functional immediately after installation.

Connector Xpress does the equivalent job of populating endpoint type details and account template containers in the Provisioning Server for endpoint types created using it.

Note: For more information, see jcs-sdk-home/connectors/sdkdyn and sdkscript.

You can use the upgrade or repair mechanism in the installer to deploy a new connector to an existing Java CS.