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Implementation Questions

Why is my custom connector implementation not found?

Consider the following:

  1. Does the implementationBundle metadata setting on your connector’s metadata match the <property name="name"> value in connector.xml? The setting must match, otherwise the Java CS does not know which ImplBundle to use to create an appropriate connector instance. As a result there are explanatory log messages in jcs_daily.log.
  2. Is the Java CS noticing your connector implementation exists?
    1. A summary of all connectors is logged to logs/jcs_daily.log at start-up at INFO log-level, for example:
      INFO   - loaded 10 connectors:
      loaded connector "AS400" [connectorTypeName='OS400', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=eTAS4Namespace]
      loaded connector "JDBC" [connectorTypeName='null', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=eTDYNNamespace]
      loaded connector "JNDI" [connectorTypeName='null', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=eTDYNNamespace]
      loaded connector "KRB" [connectorTypeName='KRB Namespace', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=eTKRBNamespace]
      loaded connector "ORA" [connectorTypeName='Oracle Server', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=eTORANamespace]
      loaded connector "SAP" [connectorTypeName='SAP R3', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=eTSAPNamespace]
      loaded connector "SDK" [connectorTypeName='SDK Namespace', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=null]
      loaded connector "SDKDYN" [connectorTypeName='SDK DYN Namespace', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=null]
      loaded connector "SDKSCRIPT" [connectorTypeName='SDK Script DYN Namespace', connectorTypeLdapObjClass=null]
    2. Also logged at the INFO level is a summary of the information read from schemas contributed by static connectors. For example:
      INFO   - '/conf/eta_sql_openldap.schema': registered 9 objectClasss (skipped 0) 

      Errors encountered processing schemas are also logged, and can be a reason that the Java CS is not finding your connector implementation.

      If your connector does not appear in this list and you are running within a Java IDE like Eclipse or IDEA, then add your connector’s jar file to the Java CS’s classpath.

    3. If your connector does not appear in this list and you are running from the command line (jcs.bat or, then your connector jar is probably malformed or has not been copied to jcs-home/lib/. Verify that it contains a valid /conf/connector.xml file. For more information refer to the structure of the SDK connector’s jar file.

Why does the Java CS appear to execute without triggering break-points in the debugger?

In some circumstances, the Java CS has trouble shutting down. There have been observations of a phantom Java CS running in the background which is servicing LDAP requests but to which the debugger is not connected. Run the task manager and manually shut down the phantom Java CS java.exe process.

Why are exception breakpoints I set in the Java CS not being triggered?

The Java CS use of Java proxies in its implementation complicates setting exception breakpoints in your IDE.

If you observe an exception but then find a matching exception breakpoint that is not triggered as you expect, try setting a breakpoint on InvocationTargetException, which can wrap the original exception.

Why does the debugger step into JDK code if I trace into the end of a call on MetaConnector, to search() for example?

The Java CS framework (and some connectors) uses Java proxies. You may be stepping into the call on the proxy method. Try inserting a breakpoint in the related method of the target class (like JDBCAttributeStyleOpProcessor.doSearch()) to skip through the proxy code.

How does my code access custom metadata settings I have added?

The Java CS uses JAXB generated code to convert the metadata files into JavaBean instances, which are then wrapped in instances of classes from the packages (like DataModelClass / DataModelProperty). These are then cached inside instances of the for efficient runtime access using the Java CS. To access your extra custom metadata settings, you create a reference to the parent DataModelProperty (say using MetaObjectClassMapping.getDataModelProperty(String)), and then look up its metadata settings using the getMetaDataProperty(String) method.

Note: For an example, see the class reference MetaDataConsts.MD_FLATTEN_SEPARATOR in the SDK sample connector.

Why does the Java CS silently hang when performing a search?

ApacheDS worker threads occasionally hang in the following circumstances:

How can I customize the behavior of the connector level of the DIT, for instance to calculate the values of some virtual attributes?

Implement a class extending and register it by calling the setConnectorAttributesProcessor() method in your connector's constructor.

How can I insert the values of virtual attributes in search results returned by my connector?

Usually it is sufficient to override the convertAttributesFromConnector() method in your connector. Verify that you call super.convertAttributesFromConnector() !) to handle what ever logic in required, as this method is called by for each search result to map them to LDAP.

We recommended that you add you virtual attributes first and then call super.convertAttributesFromConnector() afterwards, so that you can keep your logic free from referencing LDAP attribute names.

How can I determine which objectclass instance my code has been passed when my connectorMapTo settings are long involved expressions (like a complicated SELECT statement in SQL)? I do not want my code to refer to LDAP objectclass names.

Use the metadata setting to specify a short alias for your objectclass (say connectorMapToAlias=account), and use the metadata setting as the discriminator in your code. We recommend that you use your own utility method to look up the value of this metadata setting where required (see previous question for tips).

What does an exception of this form mean: "ERROR - ... LdapInvalidAttributeIdentifierException: eTLNDDeleteOldReplicas not found in attribute registry!"?

The metadata document for your connector refers to an attribute not known in the following:

This means that either an incorrect attribute name has been referenced, or that you need to add the attribute name to the appropriate .schema file.

Why is the Provisioning Server not behaving as expected?

If you enter non-valid XML code directly into the Provisioning Directory, the Provisioning Server or Provisioning Manager may no longer work as expected.

What's the impact of using integer types in java connectors?

When you use an attribute mapped as an integer, for example, when you add an integer typed field to an account in Connector Xpress, the integer values that your connector receives may end up padded. This can effect minimum and maximum field length validation in the Identity Manager Provisioning Server.

This is because the Identity ManagerProvisioning Server pads the value. For example, for a client sending 22, JCS receives the following:

Type : 'eTDYN-int-c-01'
Val[0] : 0000000022 

For a client sending 022, JCS receives the following:

Type : 'eTDYN-int-c-01'
Val[0] : 0000000022 

Although the Java CS unpads the values, in this example the Java CS cannot determine if 022 or 22 is sent. The unpadding algorithm unpads the value up to the minimum length you specified, so 0000000022 becomes 022 for a specified minimum length of 3.

This occurs for all connectors when you map an int datatype. We recommend that you do not map to -int and use –str, unless, for example you use a capability attribute.