Directly beneath the object class definition are several attribute lines. These lines define the attribute types in the object class. Depending on which file you are viewing, the list can vary.
ATTRIBUTE (LDAP Name) ldap_object_class_name::ldap_attribute_name User-friendly Name : user_friendly_name Description: Global description ProhibitedCharacters: prohibchars MinLength: minlength MaxLength: maxlength EditType: edittype IsSpaceAllowedIn: spaces IsAsciiOnly: ascii IsMultiValued: multi-valued Case: case
Specifies the LDAP name used for the object class.
Specifies the LDAP name of the attribute.
Specifies the user‑friendly name.
Specifies the description of the attribute.
Specifies a list of characters prohibited in the attribute.
Specifies the minimum length of the attribute value.
Specifies the maximum length of the attribute value.
Determines the type of data in LDAP and its characteristics.
Defines a Boolean value that identifies whether spaces are allowed.
Defines a Boolean value that determines whether the attribute supports ASCII values.
Defines a Boolean value that determines whether the attribute is multi-valued.
Specifies a string that identifies whether the attribute can contain uppercase or lowercase characters. This string can be insensitive, insensitive-upper, insensitive-lower, sensitive, sensitive-upper, or sensitive-lower.
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