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For a role, scope determines the objects on which a role member can use the role. For an admin task, scope adds additional limits beyond those defined for the role.

search screen

The search screen limits the scope of a view or modify admin task. As a result, the task operates only on the objects found by the search screen. For example, if the object is users, you might limit the scope to locate users with the Employee Type of Contractor. The search screen also defines the fields that the user can search on and the results that are displayed.

secondary object

A secondary object is associated with the primary object of a task. For example, during a Create User task, a user might be assigned to secondary objects such as groups and roles. A secondary object is also called a relationship object.


Self-service enables users to register without involvement by the System Manager or other administrators. Self-service users can enter profile information, specify a password, select a challenge question for forgotten password, and subscribe to groups.

SiteMinder user directory

The SiteMinder user directory provides a secure connection to an existing user directory.


A skin is a set of components that affect the look and feel of the Identity Manager User Console.


SOAP is a protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over a computer network using HTTP. SOAP forms the foundation layer of the Web services stack, providing a basic messaging framework that more abstract layers can build on. When the standard was created, SOAP was an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. However, the full term has since been dropped because it is considered to be misleading.


The subject is the target object of a task—for example, a user object in a Create User task. In the Identity Manager User Console, a subject is called a primary object.


See C++ Connector Server.

system manager

The system manager is a user with the System Manager role. The system manager has the admin tasks necessary to create the initial roles, tasks, and users for an Identity Manager environment.