A participant is a person who is authorized to perform a workflow activity. In CA Identity Manager, participants are also called approvers, since they must approve or reject the task under workflow control.
participant resolver
Participant resolver is a Java object that determines the participants in an Identity Manager workflow process.
password policy
The password policy is a SiteMinder feature that lets you specify rules for passwords, including expiration dates, constraints, and composition requirements.
physical attribute
A physical attribute is data that is written to the data store and that can be displayed on an Identity Manager task screen. A physical attribute can also be represented on a task screen by a logical attribute.
physical directory
The physical directory refers to the LDAP user directory that Identity Manager manages. The physical directory stores information about users, groups, and organizations.
primary object
The primary object is the target object of a task—for example, a user object in a Create User task. In the Identity Manager API, the primary object is called the subject of the task.
profile screen
The profile screen controls the attributes displayed on a profile tab.
profile tab
A profile tab controls basic characteristics of the tab for an admin task.
protected alias
A protected alias is a unique string that is added to the URL for accessing protected tasks in the User Console. For example, if the protected alias for an environment is employees, the URL for accessing the Identity Manager User Console for that environment is:
where <> is the fully qualified domain name of the server where Identity Manager is installed.
protected task
A protected task is an admin task that a user access in the Identity Manager User Console. Users must provide valid credentials to use protected tasks.
A provider is an object in the Identity Manager API that gives you direct access to managed objects (such as user, group, and organization objects). If an object’s attributes are modified through a provider, no Identity Manager events are generated, and no workflow approvals, auditing, or security checks are performed.
Provisioning Directory
A Provisioning Directory is the directory maintained by the Provisioning Server to manage Exchange accounts, Active Directory accounts, Ingres accounts, or other accounts on endpoints.
If a user in the Identity Manager users store needs an account in the Provisioning Directory, that user must be assigned a provisioning role.
provisioning role
A provisioning role has policies that define accounts that users can receive. Accounts When you assign a provisioning role to a user, that user receives the accounts defined by policies in the role. The policies also define how user attributes are mapped to accounts. The accounts exist in managed end points defined by the policies.
Provisioning Server
The Provisioning Server handles provisioning of users, delegating to Connector Servers where interaction with endpoint systems is required.
public alias
A public alias is a unique string that is added to the URL for accessing public tasks in the Identity Manager environment. For example, if the public alias is public, the URL for accessing a public task is:
where <task_tag> is the tag for the task to invoke.
You specify the task tag when you configure a task in the Identity Manager User Console.
public tasks
Public tasks are self-service tasks, such as self-registration or forgotten password tasks. Users do not need to log in to access public tasks.
public user
Public user is the name of an existing user who serves as the public user, if an Identity Manager environment includes public tasks. Identity Manager uses the public user’s credentials in place of user-supplied credentials when accessing public tasks.
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